#12: The Soldier That Read My Screenplays While at War by Lila McLaughlin

The release of her book, G.I. Hollywood, is a celebratory moment for author/screenwriter Lila McLaughlin, but it’s also a time to make sense of her unique relationship with the subject of her book, a war veteran, and a period in her life where she couldn’t write for several years. (Lila’s novel: G.I. Hollywood)

“As a writer, I know that a finished work is the result of a series of work-in-progress versions.  But sometimes, I forget that the author herself is the result of a life-in-progress.  Lila’s conversation was a refreshing reminder of this.  Though we were both celebrating the release of Lila’s first novel, Lila takes the conversation into a deeper space and examines her writing career from the time she couldn’t write for years until now.  It was a fantastic talk about writing and writers.  Also, we mention Suge Knight twice.” 


#11: A Mystical Song for Grandma by Leah Benavides

Television drama writer Leah Benavides (The Arrangement) unveils her past life as a singer and the most important yet unexplainable vocal performance of her life, a song for her grandma.

“To me, and I don’t think she’ll be embarrassed by me saying this publicly, but Leah is a boss.  She’s that gritty coach that goes for the 2-point conversation at the end of the fourth quarter to win a game instead of just tying it.  So, to catch Leah in a vulnerable moment, when talking about a song for her grandma, caught me off-guard.  It was one of those moments in a conversation when you realize, “Oh snap, this is getting very personal,” and it made me appreciate Leah’s candor with her story even more.  Even in that moment though, Leah powered through the story like a pro.  This is a great conversation for anyone that loves their grandmothers and the unexplainable.” 

(Leah’s handles: Twitter @leahbenavides, Instagram @leahbenavides)


#8: Bully Me Twice? by H the Therapist

Countertransference occurs when a therapist is emotionally triggered by a client.  So, what would trigger H the Therapist?  A childhood bully.

“To protect the identity of H the Therapist, I can’t say too much about this person.  However, this episode has wonderful insight on mental health from the perspective of the professional.  Usually, I hear about mental health issues from the client’s POV.  But I got to hear from the therapist this time!  What a privilege.  I felt like I was in a free graduate school class on therapy, and I learned so much about the process from H.  Maybe, it will give you, the audience, some helpful information on therapy and mental health that you never heard before.”


#7: The Buried Memory of a Gold Chain by Derek Dow

Actor/Director/Social Influencer/Pure Entertainer Derek Dow unearths a buried memory about dating from his college days in Chicago that involves a gold chain, and it unexpectedly impacts him during the taping of his episode.

“Derek is a born entertainer who is effortlessly engaging.   He is very much an open-book person, so to learn that Derek has ripped one page away is intriguing.  And once we started to peel the onion of his story, we both learned, unexpectedly, why Derek ripped this page out of his book of life, and I think it really shocked him.  It was like he didn’t even realize that he tore that page away from his book until now, but that missing story speaks volumes for who he is as a person.”  

(Derek’s Instagram @derekddow)


#6: The Bolivian Ghost Motel by David Ngo

Our host David Ngo steps into the valley of the wolves with special guest Kevin Del Principe and discusses the first and last time he will stay in a Bolivian hotel 13,000 feet above sea level.

“I had done a few interviews prior to being interviewed myself by special guest Kevin Del Principe, so I kind of knew how the conservation would run to a degree.  That said, Kevin asked some really great questions and gave wonderful insight into an experience I was trying to make sense of.  Also, it’s one thing to know why you don’t tell a certain story publicly, but to actually then say it out loud definitely puts you in a vulnerable space.  I didn’t want to tell this story because it freaks me out, but I felt like I owed it to my guests because they were so open with me.  I will probably never listen to my own episode though.  It gives me goosebumps.”


Volume 1 Preview. Please Enjoy.

Volume One features some of the best storytellers I have the privilege of knowing, so for them to share a story that they’ve kept locked in their vaults is a treasure.  What are they holding back?  And why?  It is a true honor that this podcast is the chosen platform for these storytellers to share their untold tales.  You, the audience, is hearing the unveiling of these hidden experiences as I am for the very first time in these episodes.  The results, as you might discover, are surprising, cathartic, hilarious, scary, bittersweet, somber, heartwarming, unexplainable, relatable, and real.
